FINALLY I had a good day yesterday. Then again I also 'cheated' but I was ok with it and didn't stress about it.
I had a low-sugar green tea frapp with soy milk for lunch and nibbled on a brownie but that was IT! I was very proud of myself especially since I resisted a binge. I mean a possibility of over 2,000 cals kinda binge. I wanted to just go to a drive through and order tons of shit. Fries, milk shake, burger, chicken strips. the works. BUT I worked on my art journal instead and kept telling myself that I'd miss the best part of Project Runway(the runway part ob.)! It worked so well and I fell asleep early too so everything worked out. I'm going out to eat with friends later but we might go get sushi and I LOVE Sashimi and miso soup so I'll likely just get that. Getting my septum done today too. Whoop! Today is a good day!

Oh and also 151 is what the scale said this morning! Sure it's the same weight as Monday's but Shit I'm just glad I didn't gain this week! I might fast again this weekend.

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