So that means that it is my official weigh in day. Went to the bathroom as usually do then I stepped up on the scale.
I'm excited of course cause that means I'm down 3 lbs from last week but I still feel so gross and fat... Hoping to hit 145 or below by next week.
So lately I've been trying to just strictly eat proteins, fruit, and veg. Guess who just went under 150??? This girl. I am so ready to hit 145 now. Only at 149 right now but that's changing. My hair is also growing like crazy which is good but I also kinda hate i cause now I'll have to buy hair dye sooner than later.
In other news my mom bought me a blender because she felt bad that I was so stressed out while at school. I've been exhausted by 10:30PM when I hit the pillow every night and waking up at 7:30 always feels brutal but it's a full night's rest so I should be fine but it's not enough it seems. Oh well. I'm trucking along just fine.

I've been neglecting to post but hey! I got to 150 today! I'm so excited about it. I fasted today too until my roomies and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings. I had a few fried pickles and potato wedges along with 5 of the traditional wings and celery. I feel so fat for eating so much but at least it was protein? I was feeling feint since 4 though and we went at 6... I debated not going but my roomies and I always have a blast when we go out and do things together.

Gunna try and fast again tomorrow but taking peanut butter with me just in case since I have a full day at school tomorrow and lots of class time that I need to focus in...