


What the fuck is wrong with me? Why would I do that? I was doing so god damn well!! I should have posted here before I binged. But I didn't and now I am suffering for it. I went back up to 153. Sure it could just be poo but it's fat fat fat to me. Today we are stripping everything that isn't getting painted in one of our theatres at work. I get out of class at 10 ish and will go straight there. I'll have to eat there with everyone but I might say I'm going to get a snow cone and just eat that. It's under 300 I think? Better than a sandwich, chips, cookies, brownies and stuff right? Why am I so fat!? God I hate my self...  might start posting pictures of myself to keep motivated... I doubt people want to see my lard though.
I guess I forgot to post yesterday. yikes.
Anyways I had to eat lunch because my friend was sitting with me at in the union yesterday around lunch and bugged me about it AND it was Pie Day Friday which you can't not get a piece of pie which is ridiculous. The lady who makes them is super sweet and you really can't say no.
So my total for the day was just over 1000 cals. I mostly round up so It could have been less but who cares I ate too much still.
So I also created a diet yesterday that I'll be starting on Monday. It's on my diet page so check it out! This weekend though I am kicking things off with a good old fashioned fast since all I'm doing this weekend is cleaning my room and doing homework. Laaaame. Haha I know.
So far today I've raised my bed and cleared about 60% of the clothes and fabric off of my floor and it is looking great! Now I really need to tackle my desk.... It's like a craft room exploded on it.
I'm so gross... I ate like a piggy at lunch. Thank goodness I skipped breakfast! I had a burger and waffle fries. Well I tried purging but that didn't happen because nothing came up and I was really upset but yea.. I got home after some errands and weighed myself. Same weight as this morning. I was so relieved. Not sure if I am going to eat dinner since it's after 7 now... I might just skip it and make a lunch to take tomorrow. I can't be eating like that. It's so gross. I can't stand it!! ugh.... Anyways... I just need to calm down and pull myself together. Tomorrow will be better. I'm almost to 150 again and the step after that is 140. Just breathe....