I guess I forgot to post yesterday. yikes.
Anyways I had to eat lunch because my friend was sitting with me at in the union yesterday around lunch and bugged me about it AND it was Pie Day Friday which you can't not get a piece of pie which is ridiculous. The lady who makes them is super sweet and you really can't say no.
So my total for the day was just over 1000 cals. I mostly round up so It could have been less but who cares I ate too much still.
So I also created a diet yesterday that I'll be starting on Monday. It's on my diet page so check it out! This weekend though I am kicking things off with a good old fashioned fast since all I'm doing this weekend is cleaning my room and doing homework. Laaaame. Haha I know.
So far today I've raised my bed and cleared about 60% of the clothes and fabric off of my floor and it is looking great! Now I really need to tackle my desk.... It's like a craft room exploded on it.




Last night I weighed myself before bed and I was 154.8 and I was pretty content with that I only had a net intake of about 250 kcals yesterday. Well I stepped on the scales this morning and pleased to see 153.6. Of course it's no where where I actually want to be back in November-February I was 147 and had gotten there healthily and had maintained that for a while. Got a boyfriend and just packed on the pounds. It was awful. Anyway I'm sans boyfriend now and it's fantastic I love being alone and only having to worry about me. FEMALE POWER!!

I hope today goes just as well as yesterday did but without me being super sleepy. That was awful.... I'll update later too. I might start uploading my art journal too. I'm just getting back into it so it's mostly just laying down paints right now.

Peace out.
Hey kids I'm starting this new blog to attempt to make myself accountable for what I eat and do and not do.

Ate brunch today. At least most of it... There is this garden omelet at the student union that is only 210kcal total and I got that today. I ate the turkey bacon, most of the wheat bread and half of the omelet. Guessing that's about 190 cals. can't be much less than that really.

I'm going to the gym after work since I parked behind the gym. I need to start going right after class in the mornings but never do for some reason.