Day one of my weekend fast went off without a hitch. Didn't even feel hungry! And guess what!? I'm less than a pound away from 150! Thank the lord!! that's 3 lbs in one day! I really understand why people crave on fasts but not the binging. I literally just wanted a bite of anything yesterday! Today I just want apple sauce. I don't like apple juice so that's out but I LOVE applesauce.
I'm also stripping out my old hair colour so that I can go platinum and possibly white. I'm so excited about it!!! I also just re cut my fringe I haven't had one in about two years because I'm growing my hair out but I think I prefer a little something interesting in the front.

Wish me luck on today! I'll probably need it! I swear all of the commercials on the TV talk about food.

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